Monday, June 20, 2011

Motorcraft and Ford parts

Shopping for Your Car

Your car is one the place in the world where you can feel truly alone. It is for many drivers an oasis where you can find solitude, as you listen to your music on a sound system, or simply have a few minutes alone with your own thoughts. What you don’t want to experience on a drive to work, home, or out for an evening is a mysterious knocking or grinding noise. Leaving a car’s maintenance up to fate almost ensures this will eventually happen. Keeping a car in good repair is the best way to enjoy its smooth running longer. Ordering parts should be simple. If you own a Ford for example finding the Ford part# doesn’t have to become arduous, if you know where to look right away. The Ford part# is there to make ordering the correct part that much easier.

To ensure that you are ordering the correct part using the Ford part# is the only way. The problem many owners have is they are unsure where to find the number. It is common to wonder if they are looking in the right place, and this is the main cause of frustration. It’s not actually worth driving into a repair shop and paying a higher price simply because the Ford part# is not immediately evident.

Every Ford auto part is individually assigned two numbers for the lifetime of the part. For some owners this is confusing, but when looking for the correct Ford part# it is necessary to know the difference between these two numbers. Each number is a Ford part# but serves a different function. One is the engineering number, and the other is the service number. For the most part the engineering number will not be of as much importance to the owner as the service number.

When looking for the Ford part# it should be understood the engineering number is used while the car is being designed. If your car is an older model this Ford part# can be used to determine when the car part was manufactured, but otherwise the service number is more important. The easiest way to get the right service number is to go online. Using your car’s VIN number, you can assess Ford’s official parts database. If you have the original paperwork and manual for the car the VIN number will be listed, but if not it is usually located on the dashboard in an upper corner near the windshield. By accessing the site, you can enter the year and model number of the car itself if you can’t locate the VIN.

The Ford part # can be accessed by Ford’s site, but if there is a problem contacting a dealer in car parts is the next best chance of finding the right service number. Keep the Ford part# as a record to save time if you need to replace the same part again. Trusted dealers like Auto Parts Tomorrow can help in ordering the right part, and getting you, what you need for less. Keeping a car in great running shape for less money and frustration is worth the few minutes spent on time finding the right part.

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