Monday, August 22, 2011

I Love My Car !!

People are funny... We all work hard to express our uniqueness in many ways. One of those is in the choice of vehicle we drive. Whether we are aware of it or not, a lot can be told from our car.

I'm not really talking about the value of the car. Many people are driving much more car than they can afford. I'm speaking more about the size, shape, type and condition of our cars. We all know someone that has a very expensive car or truck that has not been washed or cleaned out since it was driven off of the showroom floor. We probably also know people of wealth that drive a vehicle beneath their means, like Sam Walton's famed old pickup truck. Then there is the traditional mid-life crisis car where an older person chooses to drive a sports car that seems more befitting of someone younger.

My favorite however is the "classic car" owner like the Chevette in the picture above, lined up with other muscle cars. I promise you would be entertained by speaking with this person. Whichever vehicle you love, we understand your passion. Cars are sometimes our best friends and sometimes our worst enemy depending on their state of repair. At Autopartstomorrow we want to work with you to make sure your car is in perfect running order, every day... especially tomorrow.


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