Monday, August 26, 2013

Hey Man... Can I get some gas money from you?

Etiquette is one of those words that seems to be disappearing from the American lexicon. It seems people are becoming more and more self focused, or callous to what their actions may cause in terms of results to those around them. I don't mean to say people are being mean about it, they are just unaware. How many times have you seen groups of people standing together, but ignoring each other as they are engrossed in their handheld devices? If you put yourself in the role as an observer like I do, it can be an interesting process to watch. More people are labeling themselves as #caring #environmentalists while at the same time they do not have any idea where their food comes from (except that they buy it at the trendy #wholefoods market).

The same might be said for the new ALL ELECTRIC vehicles that are catching on. The feeling is that since you don't have to actually swipe your credit card before you plug in, then the electricity must be free. And since you are such a caring person and environmentally sensitive, the amps being transferred obviously are coming from a pure renewable wind farm or something of the sort.

What I am wondering is, "What is the etiquette involved with plugging in your car at work, or at a friends house?". There are Kw/HRS being transferred that someone is paying for. Is it OK to just assume your employer, or buddy, is going to finance your ALL ELECTRIC fuel costs? If you wanted to pay them back for the juice... how much would it be? Is it allowed to say no, and then have your friend stranded because they need a charge before they can get home? Just some thoughts from my oft cynical thought processes. What do you think?

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